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Rules of the Ice

Start/End of Sessions:

  • Every skater should check in with the monitor before each session – parents are sharing monitor responsibilities – they do not know many of you.


  • Do not get on the ice if a monitor is not present.


  • Do not get on early without permission from the monitor.


  • Skaters must leave the ice promptly at the end of their session.


  • Limit getting on and off the ice during your session.


Who has the right of way?


  • While in lesson or practice, it is the skater's responsibility to always be conscientious and aware of other skaters around them.


  • Skaters must skate with the flow of other skaters and familiarize themselves with the most commonly used areas for jumps and spins.


  • The only time a skater has the SOLE right of way is when they are skating their program to music. When you hear another member's music, please extend that person the courtesy and move out of their path momentarily. This only takes a moment and you will enjoy the same courtesy while you are performing your program.


  • Advanced skaters are expected to exhibit patience toward beginner members of the club. Remember, you were an inexperienced skater once, and it takes time for our future generation to advance to the point where they are completely comfortable skating with all levels of skaters.


Where should you be when on the ice?



  • Skaters should be on time and leave the ice promptly when the session is over.


  • In general, skating traffic flow moves in a counter-clockwise direction.


  • Spins should be done in the middle of the rink, unless you are doing a program. Jumps should be done outside the blue lines.


  • Never skate close to a skater who is spinning; they cannot see how close you are.


  • Also always give a spinning skater enough room to change positions; you never know when a scratch spin may turn into a camel spin.


  • Whenever possible try not to skate between a coach and skater who are in a lesson.


  • Do not stand or visit on the ice at any time. If you are not moving, you will be asked to get off the ice.


  • Please note that PARENTS are NOT allowed on the ice at any time. If you need to talk to your skater or your skater’s coach, please do it off ice.


  • Retie your skates in the hockey box or off the ice.


When can music be played or requested?


  • Skaters in a lesson will have priority to have their music played. After this, music will be played in the order of request.


  • Music may be played once by pro request during a 15-minute lesson and twice during a 30-minute lesson. The pro may request the music additional times during the lesson, but the request may not be given priority over other music requests.


  • The skater or coach should “wave off” their music if they no longer require it to be played.




  • Use common courtesy – these are busy OPEN sessions with skaters at a range of ages and ability levels.


  • Club policy does not permit video for virtual testing on club ice sessions.


  • Do not stand and talk in the middle of the rink – stand at boards.


  • Spin in the middle, jump on the ends, as a general rule.


  • The program skater (wearing the vest) has the right of way over all skaters.


  • Skaters in a lesson have the right of way, except over programs – Do not skate through lessons.


  • Skaters MUST wear the yellow vest when their program music is played – this includes dancers (one of the partnership, if 2).


  • Familiarize yourself with the moves and dance patterns of other skaters and try to avoid crossing their path.


  • No earphones or headphones, etc. – this is a safety issue.


  • No gum chewing, candy, or food while on the ice.  Water bottles permitted.


  • No phone use on ice surface while skating.


  • If you fall and are not hurt, get up immediately.


  • Players box areas are for skaters and coaches only. Parents should not linger in this area at any time.


Any problems or complaints should be directed to a pro or board member who is at the rink at that time.




Any skater/family member displaying behavior which is considered to be disruptive or potentially dangerous will be asked to change their behavior, and if necessary asked to leave the ice/arena for the remainder of the session. The monitor and coaches - even those that are not yours - have the right to approach you about behavior. Visitors are not allowed in the hockey boxes, and skaters for only temporary needs.


Please bring any immediate concerns or questions to the session monitor.


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